Medowie Traffic and Transport Study

Established projected local road network capacities and traffic management measures for future developments under Port Stephens Council's Planning Strategy

Centred on the Medowie locality, 34-kilometres north of Newcastle and presented a local direction for its land use planning and sustainable growth over the next 20 years

The traffic and transport study projected urban development areas, provided guidance towards the development of Development Control Plans, identified transport demands and recognised potential traffic infrastructure upgrades to improve housing, employment, and services.

The study presented a restructured road hierarchy, altered street system with infrastructure plan including speed management and heavy vehicle movement management measures.

Pedestrian and cycle connectivity, and details of geometric layouts are also captured.

  • Delivered a land-use planning strategy, an access strategy for the area, a traffic and transport management scheme, and infrastructure plan for the Medowie area.

  • Assessed future traffic generation for the area and established a road hierarchy.

  • Outcome supported by Port Stephens Council.

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